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Guiyang officials volunteer to fight epidemic

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2020-03-12

A total of 56 officials from the Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning – in the capital city of China's Southwest Guizhou province – volunteered for novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control duty on Feb 7, to help alleviate the burden of local sub-districts and communities during the outbreak.

In the event, 17 people were selected for the job and were sent to work on local streets and in communities.

Some of them used their expertise to draw up scientific control measures for the entrance and exit of local residential areas and villages.

Some of them toiled 24 hours a day to perform such tasks as taking the body temperatures of locals and reminding them to wear masks.

Some introduced their knowledge of epidemic prevention and control protocols to local people, while others helped screen people who returned from other places and registered their information to make sure that no infected individuals were allowed through.

Leaders of the natural resources and planning bureau also concerned themselves about the health condition of volunteers and sent them traditional Chinese medicine as well as epidemic prevention supplies such as masks, goggles, gloves and sanitizers.

Guiyang China © The Guiyang Municipal People's Government. All Rights Reserved.
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