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Guiyang focuses on geological disaster prevention and control

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2020-06-08

Officials from the municipal department of geological disaster prevention and control in Guiyang, Guizhou province, went to its Huaxi district on June 5 to investigate local geological disaster prevention and control work, and paid particular attention to the hidden dangers along the railway line.

The investigation tour was due to the weather prediction that the city's rainfall will increase by 10 to 30 percent this year compared to that of previous years, and frequent downpours will come between May and September.

The city's karst landform makes it a place where geological disasters are more common, which concerns the local authority.

Du Huazhi, deputy head of the municipal department of geological disaster prevention and control, mentioned the seriousness of current work and said that no slackness is allowed.

Du emphasized that every official should have clear responsibilities, all prevention and control measures should be well-implemented, and great importance should be attached both to areas where disasters are more frequent and regions with high population densities, so as to ensure the safety of local people.

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