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Manuscript receives suggestions for improvement

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2024-03-21


The review meeting of the initial draft of Guiyang History and Culture: Geographic Features is held on March 18. [Photo/guiyang.gov.cn]

On March 18, the review meeting of the initial draft of Guiyang History and Culture: Geographic Features, compiled under the guidance of the Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning, was convened.

The meeting, chaired by Chen Minghua, editor-in-chief of the book, invited six renowned experts and scholars from Guizhou province to review the initial draft. Liu Qixin, director of the Guiyang real estate registration center, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The purpose of this meeting was to gather wisdom from all parties in order to further enhance the quality of the manuscript.

The meeting began with an introduction to the book by the bureau. This involved outlining the book's background, significance, and thematic positioning. As one volume in a series of planned works, Guiyang History and Culture: Geographic Features will focus on the geological changes of karst landforms in Guiyang.

Subsequently, Chen Minghua reported on the writing approach and the progress of the initial draft.

The meeting called for the optimization of the book's structure by repeatedly revising and substantiating the content to ensure natural chapter transitions, and reasonable and accurate content arrangement. It also emphasized the need for uniform writing style, fluency, and standardization.

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