Li Chunsheng, deputy head of Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning, launched a field research on several mines of Kaiyang county, to check the geographical environment recovery situation of them.
A team led by Li Chunsheng, deputy head of Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning, went for a research tour to Kaiyang county, Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou province, on April 13.
A symposium on land banking work was held by Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning on April 1.
Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning has issued information about 10 major land projects.
Leaders from Guizhou Department of Natural Resources and Guizhou Quality Inspection Institute visited Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning on March 29.
Guiyang bureau of natural resources and planning visited two firms in Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone on March 24.